Wenzhou Maya Joined The BSCI


After a long-term test for all the work conditions, Wenzhou Maya Trade CO., LTD have joined The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI), a business‐driven initiative for companies committed to improving working conditions in the global supply chain.

By endorsing the BSCI Code of Conduct and communicating it to their supply chain, BSCI Participants are guided by the following values:

Continuous improvement: BSCI Participants undertake to implement the BSCI Code of Conduct in a step-by-step development approach. BSCI Participants expect their business partners to ensure the continuous improvement of working conditions within their organizations.

Cooperation: By working together and taking a common approach, BSCI Participants will have a greater impact on, and better chance of improving working conditions in their supply chains. The value of cooperation is equally important in the relationship with the business partners in the supply chain, particularly those that need support in order to improve.

Likewise, the spirit of cooperation is also critical in the relationship between business and affected stakeholders at different levels.

Empowerment:  A central aim for the BSCI is to empower BSCI Participants and their business partners, particularly in the case of producers who will be monitored, to develop their supply chains in a way that respects human and labour rights as well as to provide business units in the supply chain with the tools needed to improve working conditions in a sustainable manner. The development of internal management systems plays a critical role in bringing BSCI principles to the heart of business enterprises’ culture.


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